Why Are My Anthurium Leaves Turning Brown?

Why Are My Anthurium Leaves Turning Brown?

Wondering why your anthurium leaves are turning brown? Learn about the common reasons and solutions for brown anthurium leaves.

Anthurium is a gorgeous perennial houseplant with brightly colored flowers and ornamental wide, glossy green leaves. This plant adds a pleasing color aesthetic to any room and is relatively low maintenance, though it still requires appropriate care. Improper care can result in the plant's leaves browning. A few plant care factors can contribute to this issue. Keep reading to learn what they are and how to resolve them.

Anthurium Leaf Browning Due to Sunburn

The ideal sunlight condition for the Anthurium is plenty of indirect sunlight. In their native tropical habitats, these plants grow best under shady canopies. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves resulting in the tips and edges of Anthurium leaves browning. Even indoors, this plant can fall victim to intense sun exposure if placed too close to a south-facing window.


The way to resolve the issue of sunburn is to move your plant a few feet from the window but still in the path of light or to put a sheer curtain over the window to diffuse the incoming light. You could also move your plant to an east or west-facing window where there is still plenty of light, but the sun's rays aren't as harsh.

Anthurium Leaves Turning Brown Due to Nutrient Deficiency

To truly thrive, Anthuriums need nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Your Anthurium turning brown could indicate that the plant isn't receiving the proper nutrients. When identifying this issue, if you notice your anthurium leaves are turning light green to yellow, this means that it’s not getting enough nitrogen. Yellowing of leaf edges indicates a lack of phosphorus, while potassium deficiency is evident in the form of yellow or brown edges and well-defined interveinal spots.


The way to prevent nutrient deficiency from turning the Anthurium's leaves brown is by using a controlled-release fertilizer. A controlled release option will prevent over-fertilizing, which can disrupt the pH of the soil, making it too acidic and alkaline, which would also brown the leaves. If the leaves are already brown, a liquid fertilizer may be more suitable to bring them back to health; just be sure to dilute the fertilizer to 25% of the strength.

Anthurium Turning Brown Due to Natural Aging

Perhaps the most overlooked reason for the Anthurium turning brown is aging. All plants have a natural life cycle, and browning leaves are a part of that cycle. Often, browning leaves due to natural aging is only known through a process of elimination. If you're following proper plant care guidelines and have checked all possibilities off the list, consider aging as the cause.


Since aging is a natural process, there is no cause for concern or immediate action that needs to be taken to prevent aging. Browning leaves will eventually fall off, but they can also be removed with clean, sterilized shears if you wish to improve the appearance of your plant.

Anthurium Leaves Browning Due to Root Rot

Overwatering your Anthurium can cause fungal infections and root rot in your plant. These issues can cause brown leaves on your Anthurium. You may also notice your plant's roots turning black and becoming soft and slimy. Root rot leads to plant death, so you'll want to act quickly.


The first thing you'll want to do it's to repot your Anthurium with a fresh well-draining potting mix. Be sure the pot you're using has proper drainage, so the roots aren't sitting in water for extended periods. Don't stick to a strict watering schedule; check the soil and make sure the top 1-2 inches are dry. Typically you'll be using half a cup once a week.

If you want to avoid over or underwatering altogether, the easiest solution is to use an easyplant pot. All you need to do is check the reservoir once a month and fill it if empty, and you’re all set!

Anthurium Leaves Browning Due to Pests

Pests can be a major problem for anthuriums, as they devour the plants' sap and cause leaves to turn brown and wither. Spider mites, mealybugs, and thrips are all possible culprits here - if you see webbing on your plant's foliage or tiny white bugs or black spots, then it is likely infested with one of these pests. In order to keep your anthurium healthy and vibrant, proper pest control should be carried out immediately.


For optimal control of pests, routinely examine your plants for any evidence of infestations and remove the affected buds or leaves. You can also incorporate insecticidal soap or neem oil to suppress further growth. When utilizing any pest management products, take care to strictly observe the instructions in order not to harm your plant.

To help ensure your anthurium flourishes, here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. For optimal care, maintain a temperature between 60-90 degrees Fahrenheit with 80% relative humidity for your plant. It is best to position it near humid areas such as the bathroom and away from cold drafts or any air conditioning vents which may harm its health.
  2. Regularly prune dead, discolored, and damaged leaves off of the anthurium; this will encourage new growth while keeping up its appearance overall.

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