Reasons Why Your Money Tree Leaves Are Turning Yellow

Reasons Why Your Money Tree Leaves Are Turning Yellow

Not knowing why your money tree leaves are turning yellow can be frustrating. Learn some of the common causes along with solutions to yellowing leaves.

Money trees are regarded as one of the luckiest ornaments, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. That being said, these stunning tropical trees don’t look so lucky when their glossy green leaves begin to yellow.

There are several possible explanations for why money tree leaves turn yellow, but the more you understand their preferred conditions, the easier it’ll be to care for them and help them thrive. To assist you in becoming the best possible money tree parent, we’ve delved into the common causes of yellowing leaves and the perfect remedies to get your plant back on track.

Too Much Moisture

The most common reason for the leaves on Money Trees turning yellow is improper soil moisture, which typically stems from watering the plant too frequently. Money Trees prefer infrequent deep watering, which means providing enough water so that liquid flows out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. That being said, if you deeply water it too often, you’ll risk sicking your plant and causing yellow leaves.


The easiest way to ensure you water it right each and every time and never cause too much moisture is with easyplant. easyplant’s premium self-watering pot makes watering your Money Tree extremely simple and stress-free. All you have to do is fill the easyplant reservoir once a month and you’re all set!

Root Rot

Another reason you may see your leaves start to yellow is due to root rot from overwatering. Clear signs of this are when lower leaves start to yellow and droop and if the soil starts to smell more earthy and unpleasant than usual. Root rot can eventually cost the plant its life, so it’s important to take yellowing leaves seriously.


When watering your Money Tree, it’s extremely important to discard any excess water in the saucer and avoid leaving your plant sitting in any excess water.

Additionally, it’s helpful to slide the plant out of the pot and examine its roots. If you spot any rotting roots, which are typically brown and mushy, remove them with sterile pruning shears, wash soil debris off, and then plant your Money Tree in fresh potting soil. Always allow the top of the soil to dry between waterings to avoid potential root rot.

That being said, the surest way to avoid root rot from overwatering is with easyplant, given that with the premium self-watering pot, all you have to do is fill the easyplant reservoir once a month and you’re all set! No stress.

Humidity Levels

When you notice the leaves on your Money Tree turning brown and yellow, it may be a sign that the plant is lacking humidity. Insufficient humidity can cause Money Tree leaves to droop and brown on their edges, which is often later followed by entire leaves turning yellow, brown, crispy, or shedding completely.


The good news is that there are many ways to give your Money Tree the humidity boost it needs. The most common tactics are regularly misting the plant using a mister, introducing a humidifier, or using a pebble tray. To create a pebble tray, simply place a layer of pebbles in a waterproof tray, add water until they are nearly covered, and set the Money Tree on top. The pebbles hold the plant above the water to ensure the roots do not stay wet.

Improper Lighting

If you notice your Money Tree turning yellow, it could also be a sign that the plant isn’t getting the right amount of light. Money trees favor indirect sunlight that mimics its growth beneath the rainforest canopies. Long exposure to direct sunlight can cause the foliage to burn and too much shade is problematic because it can lead to slowed development and cause leaves to yellow.


To ensure your plant gets the right amount of light, avoid placing it spots with lots of direct sunlight, and try placing it at least 5 feet from a south-facing window. This ensures your Money Tree receives plenty of bright indirect sunlight. Additionally, you can always try a grow light to help replicate filtered sunlight in poorly-lit homes in order to help your Money Tree thrive.

Pest Issues

When Money Trees are stressed, they become more susceptible to insect infestations. Sap-sucking bugs like mealybugs and spider mites can attack Money Trees and drain the plant’s moisture, which causes leaves to yellow. The insects can exhaust your plant and accelerate yellowing, especially if your Money Tree is already unhealthy from poor lighting, nutrient deficiencies, or improper soil moisture.


There are two key ways to combat pests, but the important thing is to treat the plant immediately. You can use a mild insecticide or horticultural oil, like neem oil and you can also prune your plant’s worst leaves. Be sure to use the oil daily for up to 2 weeks in order to effectively prevent future attacks.


Though Money Trees are quite resilient and can handle low temperatures for a time, it’s less happy with temperature fluctuations. This means sudden dips and peaks in your indoor environment can stress it out. That stress can reduce the chlorophyll in the leaves, causing them to turn a sad yellow.


To keep your Money Tree happy and avoid yellow leaves from inconsistent temperature, try to maintain environments of between 65-80°F. You can do this by improving air circulation during warmer times of year, and keeping your plant away from any A/C vents or sources of cool, windy air like drafts or open windows during winter.

Natural Yellowing

While you’ve just read through several possible explanations for Money Tree yellowing leaves, it’s important to remember that sometimes, that color shift is totally natural! When you spot just a few of the lower leaves turning progressively more yellow, don’t stress – it’s simply a sign of aging foliage, which is normal and expected. Those leaves will eventually turn brown before dropping off the plant, but if you’d like, you can always remove them yourself to redirect energy to new growth. To do so, simply pinch them off with your fingers, or use pruning shears.

Get Your Money Tree at easyplant

While Money Trees do need a little love and care to maintain their beautiful green leaves, they are highly resilient plants that can bring life to any space. And, as legend has it, these gorgeous plants also happen to be lucky, so you shouldn’t have trouble keeping them happy!

If your Money Tree leaves start to yellow, there’s no need to panic. Just follow the steps above for the best chance to bring your plant back to its thriving self.

Order a self-watery Money Tree today!

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