Why is My Money Tree Losing Leaves?

Why is My Money Tree Losing Leaves?

Money trees losing leaves could be a sign of a few issues and complications. Learn about common causes to why your money tree is dropping leaves.

As a plant lover, nothing is more frustrating than seeing your Money Tree failing to thrive, dropping leaves, and you don't understand why. Dropping leaves is a common issue among houseplants; several factors could contribute to this problem. Fortunately, no matter the reason, there are solutions that can turn it around. Keep reading to discover why leaves are falling off your money tree and how to resolve them.

Common Reasons Why Your Money Tree is Dropping Leaves

Witnessing your precious Money Tree losing leaves could be disheartening, especially if you don't know the cause. Luckily, you can run through a full checklist of factors to diagnose the underlying issue: improper lighting, environmental change, or inadequate watering.


The correct amount of lighting can help your plant to grow and thrive. Too much or too little light could hurt the health of your Money Tree. The way to diagnose this is to look at other symptoms accompanying the leaves dropping.

Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause them to drop, so if you see browning on the edges of the fallen leaves, this is the reason. Too little light will cause the chlorophyll to stop performing at its peak resulting in pale or yellowing leaves. You'll also notice slow plant growth or a decrease in leaf weight.

Place your money tree in bright, indirect light. South-facing windows are ideal for the summer months and east-facing for the winter. If the rays streaming in are too harsh, place a sheer curtain over the window or move your plant a few feet from the window but still in the direct path of the sunlight.


Pests are a possible cause for leaves falling off your Money Tree. These plants are susceptible to sap-sucking pests like mealybugs, thrips, spider mites, scale, and aphids. Examine your plant, the tops and undersides of the leaves. You might see the pests themselves or evidence of their presence in the form of tiny small, and brown spots. Other signs of pests include sticky residue or wispy webbing.

If you see evidence of pests on your Money Tree, there are a few ways to treat the plant. First, hosing off the plant's stems and both sides of the leaves will physically remove the pests. Avoid getting the soil too wet. You can treat the leaves and stems with insecticidal soap, Neem oil, or other botanical pesticides.

Temperature Changes

If you follow proper care guidelines and your Money Tree is losing leaves, consider the temperature around your plant. The Money Tree is native to warmer, high-humidity climates, so be sure it isn't near a draft, fan, or A/C vent. Even heating vents or heaters can harm the Money tree because these heat sources can dry out the plant, which needs moisture in the air around it.

Move the plant away from any drafts, heating, or cooling sources and into a spot where the temperature can be consistent. Be sure the temperature in the space never drops below 65˚F (18˚C). The ideal temperature for this plant is between 65- 75˚F (18- 24˚C). The humidity level should be 50% and up. If you need assistance raising the humidity level in the space you can use a humidifier, group it with plants, use a pebble tray of water, or mist the plant periodically.

Change in Location

When you bring your Money Tree into your home from the easyplant facility, the change in environment can be shocking to your plant. It will enter a period of adjustment where it attempts to acclimate to these new conditions. The Money Tree shedding leaves is part stress response and part acclimation through redistributing its foliage.

This acclimation process can take a few weeks. Be patient and continue to tend to your Money Tree as proper care guidelines dictate, and you will see the transition completed with new leaves growing to replace the leaves that fell.

Over or Under Watering

Watering plants is a delicate balance; some plants respond more severely than others when the scales are tipped in either direction. Overwatering is the first suspicion if your Money Tree keeps losing leaves. Too much watering can cause soggy soil, which leads to root rot, dropping plants, and, eventually, plant death.

Instead of watering your plant on a schedule, try watering only when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry. Be sure the pot your Money Tree is in has proper drainage and isn't allowing the roots to sit in standing water. If the plant is still draining slowly, check the potting soil and ensure it's a well-draining potting mix.

These tips also work if the issue is underwatering, which you can identify if the leaves are yellowing or wilting, as well as dropping. The easiest solution to balance watering and never having to worry about over or under-watering is with an easyplant pot. All you have to do is fill the reservoir once a month, and the watering system will deliver water to your plant's roots when needed.

Ready for Your Own Easyplant Money Tree? Order Today!

Money Trees are relatively easy and wonderfully aesthetic plants to own. Knowing how to properly care for them with lighting, watering, temperature, etc., ensures a happy and thriving plant in your home. With an easyplant pot added to your plant purchase, you'll have one care factor on lock.

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