Birds Nest Fern
Plant care library / Birds Nest Fern

How to Care for Birds' Nest Fern

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About Birds Nest Fern

In its native home of the South American rainforests, the wild Bird’s Nest Fern is an epiphyte - growing on the trunks of trees, with a special love for palm trees. Bird’s Nest Fern wears bright green, wavy fronds. They sprout in the shape of eggs, to make up a fluttering rosette resembling a delicate, well crafted bird’s nest.

Other common names

  • Asplenium Nidus
  • Bird Egg Fern
  • Rumah Langsuyar
  • Pakpak-Lauin
  • Tai Wan Shan Su Hua

How Often Should I Water My Birds Nest Fern?

With easyplant, watering your Birds Nest Fern is simple. Make sure to check the easyplant reservoir once a month and fill it when empty, and you're all set! Bird’s Nest Fern problems arise when the plant receives either too much or too little water. The easyplant watering system makes keeping your plant healthy an easy task.

Water every 1 Month
Without an easyplant, it is recommended that you water your Bird’s Nest Fern at least once a week. Specifically, the soil around the plant should never be allowed to become completely dried. Ideally, the dirt below the first layer of soil should be consistently moist without becoming overly saturated. You’ll know if you have watered your plant too much if your Bird’s Nest Fern leaves begin to show signs of drooping. Plant owners who use easyplant don’t have to go through the hassle of guessing how much water their Bird’s Nest Fern requires. Since maintaining proper water levels for a Bird’s Nest Fern plant can be tedious, the easyplant sets you up for success in growing a happy and healthy plant!

Birds Nest Fern Light Needs

Bird’s Nest Fern grows best in a space with bright indirect light, where the sun rays are diffused, and can also adapt to spaces with bright direct light, where the sunlight streams inside directly. Avoid placing it in spaces with low light or spaces without natural sunlight.

As it naturally grows in hot and humid climates, your Bird's Nest Fern plant will thrive in an environment that mimics its natural habitat. You wouldn’t want to store your Bird’s Nest Fern in a bathroom without a window, closet, or any room that doesn’t have access to natural lighting. Want more details on plant lighting? Dive into our extensive lighting guide.

The ideal place for your Bird’s Nest Fern would be close to an East-facing window with curtains so it can soak up indirect sunlight from the moment the sun rises in the morning. Bird’s Nest Fern light requirements can be easily achieved in most areas of the home as long as a window is nearby. This means it could make the perfect decoration for any bedroom, living space, kitchen, or office!

Light requirement ab

Birds Nest Fern Plant Care

During your Bird’s Nest Fern’s first few days at home, one or two leaves might fall, or turn yellow. This is a normal part of adjustment and no cause for concern. Once adjusted, Bird’s Nest Fern is very easy to care for, and will reward your love for it by quickly bouncing back from any mishap. To help it grow optimally and evenly, occasionally dust the leaves and rotate the pot by a ¼ turn once a month.

How Big Do Birds Nest Fern Plants Grow?

Bird’s Nest Fern grows slowly and steadily, with its wavy, bright green fronds reaching up to 2 feet long. With a slow growth rate, the Bird’s Nest Fern leaf lengths depend on the level of care they receive in the first months after they sprout. Since this plant typically grows on top of or close to other plants, they actually prefer to be planted in smaller pots. Providing this type of plant with a pot that is too large can make its roots spread too far, causing it to take away from resources that need to be used to grow leaves. Although the average length of their leaves is 2 feet, they have been known to reach 5 feet in length when conditions are kept optimal. These plants grow only 2-6 inches in length per year, so it takes them a few years to reach full maturity. Many Bird’s Nest Fern owners find great fulfillment in taking care of these plants as they can watch them grow for years to come.

Temperature & Humidity

One of the things that makes caring for Bird’s Nest Ferns so easy is their temperature and humidity requirements. They flourish in temperatures ranging from 65⁰F to 85⁰F, which is very similar to the temperatures we normally set our thermostats to. This is highly convenient since you won’t have to adjust your home’s temperature to accommodate your new plant. Since Bird’s Nest Ferns have tropical origins, they do like their surroundings to be a bit more humid than the typical home environment. To keep your plant moisturized and happy, consider placing it near other plants or using a room humidifier. Such measures help mimic the Bird's Nest Ferns' natural environment, ensuring it feels right at home.

Are Birds Nest Fern Toxic for Pets & Kids?

Bird’s Nest Fern is non-toxic and safe for humans and animals alike. Bird’s Nest Ferns are considered both pet safe and kid safe. While there is little danger to ingesting this plant’s greenery, it’s important to remember that this plant isn’t considered food for pets or humans. If a dog, cat, or child happens to consume any part of the Bird’s Nest Fern, they may experience gastrointestinal upset or mild skin irritations. As such, keeping the plant away from pets that enjoy munching on leaves and advising children to not put the plant in their mouths is best practice.

Troubleshooting Common Problems with Birds Nest Fern

If you notice leaves are becoming brown, relocate the pot to a less brightly lit location. If you notice leaves are becoming yellow, relocate the pot to a more brightly lit location.

Frequently Asked Questions about Birds Nest Fern Plant

  • Does bird nest fern need sunlight to grow?
    Open Does bird nest fern need sunlight to grow?
    Like most plants, the Bird’s Nest Fern enjoys sun in the amounts it would receive in its natural environment. Place your plant close to a window but ensure your Bird’s Nest Fern doesn’t receive direct sunlight all day. You’ll want to make sure it receives plenty of indirect sunlight for it to grow without becoming scorched.
  • Should you mist a bird's nest fern?
    Open Should you mist a bird's nest fern?

    You may notice your BIrd’s Nest Fern having brown tips to its leaves if it isn’t kept at the right humidity levels. Remember, this plant is native to tropical surroundings. Since our homes are not normally as humid as this plant requires, consider placing your fern on a pebble tray or situating it close to other plants, as grouped plants can elevate surrounding humidity. Another option is to introduce a room humidifier, which is especially beneficial during drier months.

  • Are bird's nest ferns easy to care for?
    Open Are bird's nest ferns easy to care for?
    Yes! Caring for Bird’s Nest Ferns is quite easy— especially with the use of an EasyPlant. With access to indirect sun, routine monthly waterings, and misting for added humidity, your plant will grow and flourish. Learning how to care for your Bird’s Nest Fern is quite simple when EasyPlant takes care of providing your plant with the perfect amount of water.
  • How often should you water bird nest ferns?
    Open How often should you water bird nest ferns?
    Bird's Nest Ferns prefer a consistent level of moisture. They should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry, which will typically be once or twice a week, depending on the plant's location. The key is to avoid letting them dry out completely or sit in standing water. To make watering easier, consider using easyplant's self-watering pot. Simply fill the reservoir once a month, and your Bird's Nest Fern will receive just the right amount of water it needs, reducing the risk of over or underwatering.